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Cousins By Blood

Cousins By Blood: A Podcast Investigation into a Double Homicide

Unraveling the Mystery of James Mosqueda and Amy Kitchen's Murder

Episode 1: The Case Reopens

In the year 2000, Dallas was shaken by a double homicide that left James Mosqueda and his fiancée Amy Kitchen dead. Ivan Cantu, James' cousin, was convicted of the crime and sentenced to death.

Enter Cousins By Blood, a gripping podcast investigation that reopens the case. Private investigator Matt Duff delves into the details of the murders, revisiting the evidence and interviewing key witnesses.

Episode 2: Motives and Suspects

As the reinvestigation unfolds, new information emerges. The podcast explores possible motives behind the crime, delving into the complex relationships between the victims and their accused killer.

Episode 3: The Road to Execution

Ivan Cantu's scheduled execution date approaches. The podcast follows the legal challenges and the efforts of Cantu's supporters to save his life. New evidence and suspects come to light, raising questions about the validity of the original conviction.

Episode 4: The Verdict

The podcast culminates in a gripping conclusion as the latest developments in the case are revealed. Listeners witness the verdict of the reinvestigation and the aftermath of the double homicide that has haunted the Dallas community for years.

About the Podcast

Cousins By Blood is a true crime podcast produced by Dallas Morning News. The podcast digs deep into the mysteries surrounding the 2000 double homicide, providing an intimate and thought-provoking account of the investigation, the legal battles, and the ongoing search for justice.

Join the podcast's dedicated followers on Facebook and Twitter as they engage in discussions, share their theories, and follow the latest updates on this captivating case.
